One of the most frustrating things about being a member of the voting populace is when you are inundated with various letters, emails, or phone calls whose sole purpose is to pound an ‘atta-person’ on the back of a certain politico over the work they may have done for us.
Case in point is a recent email I received from my Congressman Jarred Huffman calling for us folks to give him a big atta-boy for his work in securing $65 million in coastal related funds.
Upon receiving this email, I responded with an email (below) relating that State Senator Scott Weiner’s SB 423 as written threatens to develop the very area - coastal lands - that Congressman Huffman raised funds to prevent.
After two months of no reply from Congressman Huffman regarding SB 423, I’ve decided to share this with the Marin Post and Mr. Huffman’s congressional opponent Tief Gibbs.
Congressman Huffman,
SB 35 (Sen. Weiner) punishes cities for past gaps in meeting RHNA mandates by rubber stamping approval of huge projects anywhere to skirt height, density, setbacks, parking and other normal zoning provisions, without CEQA.
SB 423 (Sen. Weiner) Makes SB 35 permanent AND adds three permanent and aggressive provisions that benefit outside investor/speculators, but harm your community — and our state.
1. The inclusionary rate for low income units drops to an insignificant 10%;
2. CEQA (environmental protections) won’t apply to the coast;
3. Allows for massive luxury development on the coast, Coastal Commission overruled.
Logic dictates that the money you have raised to protect our coast might be fruitless if AB 423 passes. Anything you can do will be most appreciated.
Rick Johnson, Novato, CA