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Jim Phelps
Novato, California
Jim Phelps is a graduate of the University of California, and has served the power and petrochemical industries for nearly 35 years redesigning and thermally upgrading evaporative heat exchangers (crossflow and counterflow), and serving as a utility rate analyst.
He has tracked Community Choice Aggregation and Community Choice Energy since 2009, analyzing renewable energy portfolios, electric transmission systems, Business Plans, and financial activities of CCAs, all as applies to projected and actual deliveries of clean energy, and deliveries of false or non-existent "clean energy."
Mr. Phelps is a participant in California's AB 1110 (clean energy truth-in-advertising legislation) implementation workshop that seeks to halt clean energy accounting and advertising abuses.
He is fluent in thermal power generation for gas-fired, combined-cycle gas turbine, nuclear, coal, and geothermal, as well as all forms of eligible renewable energy.
Mr. Phelps operates one of Marin's largest residential solar electric systems at his home in Novato. He is not now, nor has he ever been, employed by PG&E. He has performed engineering & construction work for PG&E, the last time in 1989 when he participated in breach of contract litigation against the utility.